October 21, 2022
During the pandemic, the Trinity Labyrinth Guild Speaker’s Bureau treated us to a number of dynamic speakers from throughout the world. Now they are back with an event you won’t want to miss.
During the pandemic, the Trinity Labyrinth Guild Speaker’s Bureau treated us to a number of dynamic speakers from throughout the world. Now they are back with an event you won’t want to miss.
LNN member Ansula Press will present a workshop at the 2022 International Gathering of The Labyrinth Society.
Our pilgrimage to a beautiful private labyrinth in Portland’s West Hills is less than two weeks away.
We are thrilled to share information for five World Labyrinth Day events and to solicit registration for a June Pilgrimage hosted by Labyrinth Network Northwest.
Spring brings a variety of labyrinth events you won’t want to miss. On zoom, you can attend a workshop on being with beauty and take a three-part class on building your own labyrinth. Honor Good Friday with an in person walk. On World Labyrinth Day, attend the LNN pilgrimage to outdoor labyrinths in the Vancouver WA area.
The Reverend Doctor Lauren Artress, the founder of Veriditas and a leading force in the modern Labyrinth movement, joins The Trinity Labyrinth Guild on Zoom to discuss her new book: The Path of the Holy Fool: How the Labyrinth Ignites Our Visionary Powers.
This newsletter includes several December events planned by the Trinity Cathedral Labyrinth Guild, including their Advent Icon Walk and virtual New Year’s Walk.
c/o Grace Cushing
3009 SE 76th Ave.
PDX, OR 97206
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Website: bill scheider | think.act.grow