September 7, 2023
Celebrate the Autumn Equinox in McMinnville and Nelson, BC. Walk a restored labyrinth near Vernonia and learn about the upcoming restoration of a labyrinth in Gresham.
Celebrate the Autumn Equinox in McMinnville and Nelson, BC. Walk a restored labyrinth near Vernonia and learn about the upcoming restoration of a labyrinth in Gresham.
Walk a Spiral Labyrinth at the Celtic Fantasy Faire in Hillsboro; join the Autumn Equinox Lunch-n-Labyrinths in McMinnville and explore new links to recent and past photos.
Attend a Sunday eucharist and labyrinth walk on the beach in Manzanita and a feature article on Anne Richardson.
Two Summer Solstice labyrinth events and new day of the week for Trinity Cathedral in person labyrinth walks.
Walk in support of volunteers in Haiti in Nehalem or celebrate the Summer Solstice on a beautiful McMinnville labyrinth., LNN’s World Labyrinth Day events and the future of Labyrinth Network Northwest’s newsletters.
World Labyrinth Day is Saturday, May 6, 2023. Labyrinth Network Northwest will be visiting two labyrinths in Clark County Washington.
Trinity Labyrinth Guild Speakers’ Bureau presents: The Way of the Winding Path: A Map for the Labyrinth of Life.
There is something for everyone in this email: a Vernal Equinox walk in McMinnville, a dynamic online speaker, the return of a beloved monthly walk in Portland, a Good Friday walk and a World Labyrinth Day event in Clark County.
We have four exciting New Year’s labyrinth events. Three are in person and their locations range the length of the Pacific Northwest. One is virtual!
The Trinity Cathedral Labyrinth Guild will be hosting two annual events, one in person and one virtual, during December.
c/o Grace Cushing
3009 SE 76th Ave.
PDX, OR 97206
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Website: bill scheider | think.act.grow