May 22, 2024
Register for Jamie Rossetti’s memorial walk in July and save the date for Kay Kinneavy’s memorial walk in August.
Register for Jamie Rossetti’s memorial walk in July and save the date for Kay Kinneavy’s memorial walk in August.
Spring ritual walk in McMinnville; submitting a WLD event, dates for memorial walks and LNN website.
Dates for memorial walks for Jamie Rossetti and Kay Kinneavy, Trinity Good Friday walk and changes in days and times for in-person walks.
In this newsletter, a Zoom presentation on Labyrinth activism, livestream Kay Kinneavy’s memorial service and volunteers needed at Coffee Creek Correctional Facility.
This issue is dedicated to LNN co-founder Kay Kinneavy. Many thanks to the family and friends who contributed materials.
Six exciting New Year’s walks. One is happening for the first time and another is celebrating its 25th anniversary. Three will be held in Oregon and two in Washington. If you prefer a virtual event, scroll down to sign up for a walk on Zoom.
Return of the Vancouver New Year’s Walk; a Zoom walk for New Year’s Eve; Winter dates and times for Trinity’s in person and virtual walks; an exciting January event from the Trinity Guild Speakers Bureau.
The Trinity Cathedral Advent Icon Walk, featured in our last email, has a new date and time. Contribute to the Western Farm Workers at a Food Labyrinth Walk.
Mark your calendars for the Trinity Cathedral Advent Icon Walk, Franciscan Spiritual Center First Friday, and a Winter Solstice Ritual event. Join us in a memorial tribute to labyrinth leader, Jamie Rossetti.
c/o Grace Cushing
3009 SE 76th Ave.
PDX, OR 97206
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Website: bill scheider | think.act.grow